الاخوة الاعزاء
هذا الموقع يحتوي على النسخة الالكترونية للكتاب
A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts
edited by: Dr. Andrew Wilson
و هو حسب علمي يجمع اكبر عدد من النصوص من الكتب المقدسة للاديان المختلفة حول العالم و يبوبها موضوعيا مما يسمح بدراسة مقارنة لها
انا مهتم فقط بالحكم و النصائح الروحية و الاخلاقية في المجموعة.
ساذكر هنا بعض عناوين الفصول التي اعجبتني
The Truth in Many Paths
Tolerance and Respect for All Believers
The Decalogue
The Golden Rule
Beyond Ritual
مع محبتي
هدية للزميل يجعله عامر بمناسبة الشهر الفضيل
هذا الكتاب جعلني التفت الى قصائد الصوفية المسلمين في كتاب السيخ المقدس "الغرانث صاحب"
و هذا بعض ما وجدت فيه
Let mercy be your mosque,
faith your prayer-mat,
and honest living your Koran.
Make modesty your circumcision,
and good conduct your fast.
In this way, you shall be a true Muslim.
Let good conduct be your Kaabaa,
Truth your spiritual guide,
and the karma of good deeds your prayer and chant.
Let your rosary be that which is pleasing to His Will.
There are five prayers
and five times of day for prayer;
the five have five names.
Let the first be truthfulness,
the second honest living,
and the third charity in the Name of God.
Let the fourth be good will to all,
and the fifth the praise of the Lord.
Repeat the prayer of good deeds,
and then, you may call yourself a Muslim.
O Nanak, the false obtain falsehood, and only falsehood
It is difficult to be called a Muslim;
if one is truly a Muslim,
then he may be called one.
First, let him savor the religion of the Prophet as sweet;
then, let his pride of his possessions be scraped away.
Becoming a true Muslim, a disciple of the faith of Mohammed,
let him put aside the delusion of death and life.
As he submits to God's Will, and surrenders to the Creator,
he is rid of selfishness and conceit.
And when, O Nanak, he is merciful to all beings,
only then shall he be called a Muslim.