اقتباس:شكرا للزميل العاقل على تأكيد كلامي بذكر مصدر علمي موثق يؤكد أن العلماء و البيولوجيون يثقون بأن مصدر البترول هو الرواسب البيولوجية للكائنات الحية.
Most geologists view crude oil, like coal and natural gas, as the product of compression and heating of ancient vegetation over geological time scales. According to this
theory, it is formed from the decayed remains of prehistoric marine animals and terrestrial plants. Over many centuries this organic matter, mixed with mud, is buried under thick sedimentary layers of material. The resulting high levels of heat and pressure cause the remains to metamorphose, first into a waxy material known as kerogen, and then into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in a process known as catagenesis. These then migrate through adjacent rock layers until they become trapped underground in porous rocks called reservoirs, forming an oil field, from which the liquid can be extracted by drilling and pumping.
These reactions are thought to be very temperature sensitive: reactions that produce recognizable oil start to occur at about 130 °C, and those that continue the breakdown of oil to natural gas start to occur at about 180 °C. The range of 130 - 150 °C is generally considered the "oil window". Though this corresponds to different depths for different locations around the world, a 'typical' depth for an oil window might be 4 - 5 km. Three conditions must be present for oil reservoirs to form: a rich source rock, a migration conduit, and a trap (seal) that forms the reservoir.
The reactions that produce oil and natural gas are often modeled as first order breakdown reactions, where kerogen breaks down to oil and natural gas by a large set of parallel reactions, and oil eventually breaks down to natural gas by another set of reactions[/CENTER]
لوجيكال ،
كما ترى المصدر " العلمي الموثق " يرى في كون النفط يعود إلى أصول عضوية هو " نظرية " ، وانت تراها حقيقة علمية .
الآن ، هل هناك فرق - بالنسبة لك - بين " النظرية " و " الحقيقة العلمية " ؟
آسف على هذا الحوار الجانبي ، اعتبره تنشيطا للموضوع حالما تتفرغ .