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عسكريون اسرائيليون يدربون مقاتلين اكراد في شمال العراق
محارب النور غير متصل
عضو رائد

المشاركات: 5,508
الانضمام: Oct 2004
مشاركة: #56
عسكريون اسرائيليون يدربون مقاتلين اكراد في شمال العراق
اقتباس:The Kurds in History  
Early History  

The first mention of the Kurds in historical records was in cuneiform writings from the Sumerians (3,000 BCE), who talked of the "land of the Karda." It would appear that from the earliest times the Kurds were generally unaffected by shifts in the empires around them, as they tended their flocks and obeyed their tribal leaders with a minimum of interference from outsiders. This lack of interference was very probably due to the inaccessibility of the area in which they lived, although they early on gained a reputation for being excellent fighters. At one time or another in their early history, some or all of them came under the dominance of the Sumerians, the Akkadians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Parthians, the Persians, the Romans, and the Armenians.  

In the 7th century CE, the Arabs conquered the area and in time converted everyone in it—including the Kurds—to Islam. The Kurdish area became a border area between the Muslim Caliphate and the Christian Byzantine Empire, and the Caliphate utilized Kurdish troops in securing the frontier area against the Byzantines based in Istanbul.  

In the centuries that followed, the Kurds withstood the invasions from Central Asia which brought the Turkic peoples as far west as Asia Minor (now Turkey), again probably because they occupied an area too difficult for outsiders to reach.  

The most famous Kurd in history is Saladin, who in all accounts emerges as the greatest military mind on either side of the Crusades, and the wisest and most famous Muslim ruler. Saladin was born in Tikrit (the same birthplace as Saddam Hussein) in 1137, into a prominent Kurdish family. Saladin grew up in educated circles and distinguished himself militarily in his twenties by playing a significant part in keeping Egypt out of the hands of the First Crusade. Through his own accomplishments and with the help of his powerful family, he was appointed commander of the Syrian troops and vizier of Egypt at the age of 31. He subsequently became the sole ruler of Egypt and soon set out to unite the Muslim territories of Syria, northern Mesopotamia (Iraq), Kurdistan, Palestine, and the rest of Egypt. He proved to be a wise but firm ruler, skilled in diplomacy, free of corruption and cruelty, and dedicated to the spread of Islam. In 1187, he led the reconquest of Jerusalem and occupied it with compassion and courtesy. He died in 1193, and historians agree that he is one of the world's towering figures.

اول ذكر لاكراد من قبل ا لسومرين "ثلاثة الف سنة قبل الميلاد" ,مع ذلك نحن طارئين على الاراضي العربية ,غريبة ؟؟؟.

واليك المصدر


محارب النور

12-10-2005, 01:16 AM
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عسكريون اسرائيليون يدربون مقاتلين اكراد في شمال العراق - بواسطة محارب النور - 12-10-2005, 01:16 AM

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