عضو رائد
المشاركات: 2,348
الانضمام: Jul 2003
ديانة ميثهرا الفارسية والمسيحية
( 2 5 )
Persian Mithraism was more a collection of traditions and rites than a body of doctrines. However, once the Babylonians took the Mithraic rituals and mythology from the Persians, they thoroughly refined its theology. The Babylonian clergy assimilated Ahura-Mazda to the god Baal, Anahita to the goddess Ishtar, and Mithras to Shamash, their god of justice, victory and protection (and the sun god from whom King Hammurabi received his code of laws in the 18th century B.C.) As a result of the solar and astronomical associations of the Babylonians, Mithras later was referred to by Roman worshippers as 'Sol invictus', or the invincible sun. The sun itself was considered to be "the eye of Mithras". The Persian crown, from which all present day crowns are derived, was designed to represent the golden sun-disc sacred to Mithras.
As a deity connected with the sun and its life-giving powers, Mithras was known as 'The Lord of the Wide Pastures' who was believed to cause the plants to spring forth from the ground. In the time of Cyrus and Darius the Great, the rulers of Persia received the first fruits of the fall harvest at the festival of Mehragan. At this time they wore their most brilliant clothing and drank wine. In the Persian calendar, the seventh month and the sixteenth day of each month were also dedicated to Mithras.
The Babylonians also incorporated their belief in destiny into the Mithraic worship of Zurvan, the Persian god of infinite time and father of the gods Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman. They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism.
ديانة مثرا الفارسية كانت مزيج من التقاليد و الطقوس أكثر منها مجموعة من العقائد .و عندما أقتبس البابليون هذه العقيدة من الفرس قاموا بعمل تطوير و تنقيح كبير لها و أصبح
أهورا مازدا هو الإله baal أو بعل و الآلهة أناهيتا أصبحت الآلهة عشتار ( ishtar ) و الإله ميثرا أصبح ( shamash ) أو الإله شماش و يهيئ من هنا جاءت كلمة شمس بالعربية حيث كان يعتبر هذا الإله ( ميثرا عند الفرس ) أله الشمس عند البابليين و كذلك عند الرومان فسمي أله الشمس و كانوا يعتبرون الشمس إحدى عينيه .
التاج الفارسي كان على هيئة قرص شمس و منه اشتقت العديد من تيجان الملوك . لأن هذا الإله كان يعتبر آله الشمس عند الفرس كان من ألقابه ( آله المراعي الواسعة )
و كان الإله ميثرا يعتبر السبب في نمو المراعي الخضراء و نمو النباتات و كان يخصص الشهر السابع من التقويم الفارسي له و كذلك اليوم السادس عشر من كل شهر كذلك كان يقام احتفال له في الربيع .
The Persians called Mithras 'The Mediator' since he was believed to stand between the light of Ahura-Mazda and the darkness of Ahriman. He was said to have 1000 eyes, expressing the conviction that no man could conceal his wrongdoing from the god. Mithras was known as the God of Truth, and Lord of Heavenly Light, and said to have stated "I am a star which goes with thee and shines out of the depths".
كان الفرس يسمون ميثرا ( الوسيط ) بين آله النور كبير الآلهة أهورا مازدا و آله الظلام أهريمان كما كانوا يؤمنون بأن له ألف عين علامة على أن لاشيء يخفى عليه من أعمال البشر و كان
يسمى أيضا آله الحقيقة و آله النور السماوي .
( يتبع )
07-06-2005, 12:45 PM |