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المشاركات: 49
الانضمام: Apr 2007
RE: الرد على: الأحزاب الدينية تمنى بخسارة كبيرة في الجزائر .
(05-15-2012, 02:22 AM)بهجت كتب: [quote='markhieh' pid='1026852924' dateline='1337016818']
This issue "the relation between liberty and knowledge" is very sensitive and exasperating. I handled this cause more than once, habitually I avoided mentioning it. According to our Arabic maxim " it is a right aiming to wrong" , almost all tyrants use this relation to impose their parental absolutism over poor people . How can we deal with such issues? , I used to mention every time , I discussed it openly that, we must be aware from misuse of such cultural controversies.
Dear Bahjat
My philosophy is such a pessimistic one for life in general, not just human issues such as type of government or social controversies, so I will not venture into that discussion. However in the short run I have come to believe that democracy in its ugliest face (a parliament full of bearded men and veiled women) is better for the Arab nations than one man or one party rule. Even democracy for the elite will be corrupted with time and turn to a party rule. It is the human factor or the selfish gene entrenched in every living being in existence. I did not always believe this way; I used to think that Mubarak and Assad are better for their respective counties than the then expected Muslim brothers coming to power through free and fair democratic elections. Not until the Arab spring, I have changed my mind. First I was impressed by the Egyptian revolution, and then I was disgusted by the brutality of the Syrian regime. What disgusted me more was the number of elite and dignitaries that continued supporting Assad after committing all these crimes. You may not like the outcome of democracy (remember George Bush) but it is self adjusting, so you may replace the veil with a mini skirt in the next election.
05-15-2012, 09:48 PM |
الحرية قدرنا.
المشاركات: 7,099
الانضمام: Mar 2002
RE: الأحزاب الدينية تمنى بخسارة كبيرة في الجزائر .
05-23-2012, 11:59 PM |