زحل بن شمسين
عضو متقدم
المشاركات: 575
الانضمام: Dec 2001
رسائل يومية إليك..فتفضل بقراءتها
من آشور الى توام روحي سلاما,,,,
لم اقرأ الرسائل كلها,,,,
بالرسالة 11
لفت نظري هذه الجملة:::
ولكن....واذا كانت شفاهي معي,
لماذا احسها متحدة مع شفتيك؟!
اياك وتم اياك ان اردت الوصول الى القمة باعلان ذلك,,,,
بذلك ينتهي دربك في الصعود الى الهدف,,,
لو قلت:::
ولكن... واذا كان كفي معي,
لماذا احسه مشتبك مع كفك؟!
فان الطريق ما بين الكف والشفاه طويلة جدا ,,,
فالمسيرة تطول ولا يتوقف الشوق الجارح للالتحام الكلي.......
وبذلك تصعدين وتصعدين حتى تصلي الى ما قبل القمة,,,,
حتى تستمرين بالاكتشاف والابداع؟؟؟
06-29-2002, 03:13 AM |
Arabia Felix
عضو رائد
المشاركات: 2,085
الانضمام: May 2002
رسائل يومية إليك..فتفضل بقراءتها
Reflection of a Body of Water
You came
To the forth of my shores,
And like a sea,
I was emboldened.
Since it was your feet
To enter me first,
I rushed forth to meet them
And crown them with my shells,
To crash my heartbeat
Against your shins,
That I may splash my fingers
Up to hold you.
You walked into me slowly
Your Knees like twin vessels
Stirring me,
And breaking me
With every step,
And pore by pore felt myself
Surge to meet you.
I met you whole.
I kissed your knees,
Your neck,
Your hands,
Your hair,
Your wrists,
Your hips,
The inside of your ears,
The space between your toes,
And the rose you hide
Beneath each fingernail.
Like a child,
I raised you up in the air,
Caught you falling on my crests,
Laid you to sleep
Before me
Breaking waves,
And then covered your body
With blankets of bubbles
And foam.
Too Suddenly,
I felt myself
Fall from you:
At first from your hair
And then your hands,
Drop by drop,
I dived into myself again.
Meaning to trip you back
Into my embrace,
I pressed harder
But still you left me
Slowly, decidedly,
And when last I touched
Your feet,
A sudden calm
Raced through me,
For I had
Known you whole.
-Maurizio Passariello
06-29-2002, 03:28 PM |