Aisha reported Allah's Messenger (may
peace be upon him) as saying Every one of the children of Adam has been created with
three; so he who declares the Glory of Allah, praises Allah, declares Allah to be One, Glorifies Allah, and seeks forgiveness from Allah, and removes stone, or thorn, or bone from people's path, and enjoins what is good and forbids from evil, to the number of those three hundred and sixty-four, will walk that day having removed himself from Hell.
Question :
Answer :
How many joints are there in the human body?
The bones of the human skeleton meet at many different joints. Some are fixed joints, which do not allow any movement. An example of a fixed joint would be the bones in the skull of an adult. However, most of the joints in the body are movable, and they allow the body to be flexible, and bend. The most common types of joint are hinge joints, gliding joints and ball-and-socket joints. Altogether, there are 206 bones in the adult human body, which are connected by over 230 joints.
One scientific institute claimed, in
1995, to have
discovered an extra 10 joints in the ear, and proposed that there are
360 joints in the body and the like, as they only offer approximate numbers of bones and joints in the average person. Perhaps this indicates that the actual number of joints in each adult human can vary.
the answer from
i want godlesss opinion ??!!
الترجمة باختصار .. ان النبى محمد يقول فى الحديث الذي روته السيدة عائشة في صحيح مسلم، وهو أن الله خلق بن آدم على 60 مفصلا بعد 300، فمن استطاع أن يعتق كل يوم مفصل عن النار فليفعل قالوا كيف يا رسول الله ، قال من سبح تسبيحه وكبر تكبيرة، وأماط الأذى عن الطريق فقد أعتق مفصلا عن النار.
وهو كلام رمزى ويريد النبى ان يحثهم على عمل الخير .
وهو حديث صحيح .
وحسب كلام موقع البى بى سى انه لم يثبت إلا بعد 1996 ميلاديا او 95 أن عدد المفاصل 360 مفصل ..
فما رأيكم فى هذا التطابق ؟؟
وكيف عرف النبى عدد المفاصل فى جسم الإنسان بهذا الشكل الدقيق؟
سؤالى للملحدين والمسلمين فقط و لا اريد الاراء المسيحية فى الموضوع مع احترامى لهم !! . وهم يعلمون كم اكن لهم من حب والله محبة كما نعلم جميعاً :D
مع اطيب التحيات .