The Godfather
المشاركات: 3,977
الانضمام: Apr 2004
مسلم يقتحم مبنى الاتحاد اليهودي في سياتل ويقتل شخص ويترك ستة جرحى فهل هو مجاهد؟
اقتحم شخص مبنى الاتحاد اليهودي في سياتل واطلق النار على امرأة حامل وعلى امراتين اخرتين وقتل شخص واحد
وقال الشخص بعد اعتقاله انا مسلم امريكي وانا غاضب على اسرائيل
``I'm a Muslim American; I'm angry at Israel,''
والاتحاد اليهودي هذا مخصص للامور الاجتماعية اليهودية في مدينة سياتل مثل التعليم والثقافة
فما راي المسلمين هنا هل هذا جهاد يدخل الجنة عليه ام هو قتل حرام ؟؟؟
07-29-2006, 11:14 PM |
عضو رائد
المشاركات: 5,786
الانضمام: Mar 2004
مسلم يقتحم مبنى الاتحاد اليهودي في سياتل ويقتل شخص ويترك ستة جرحى فهل هو مجاهد؟
مرتكب الحادث أحد أبطال قصص التحول علي يد ملاك الرب
Shooting suspect was baptized
Just part of the enigma he proved himself to friends
RICHLAND -- Those who knew Naveed Haq said Saturday that to them he was an enigma, a puzzle that they wish they could have solved before his deadly rampage in a Seattle Jewish center.
Stunned and saddened by the news, some of Haq's acquaintances recounted many of what they saw as the contradictions of his life.
He held a degree in electrical engineering and was the son of a successful engineer, yet he couldn't keep a regular job. He was smart, creative and skilled as a writer. He recently won an essay contest for a U.S. Institute of Peace scholarship.
Yet Haq was frustrated at his lack of friends and female companionship.He told friends he felt alienated from his own family, in part because his career had disappointed his father and also because he had disavowed Islam last year, converting to Christianity.
07-31-2006, 04:44 AM |
عضو رائد
المشاركات: 1,346
الانضمام: Jan 2005
مسلم يقتحم مبنى الاتحاد اليهودي في سياتل ويقتل شخص ويترك ستة جرحى فهل هو مجاهد؟
07-31-2006, 05:13 AM |