We have several reactions of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Those reactions are very simple to be explained theoretically, very complex, however, to be conducted in the lab.
Although each reaction of these organic compounds has its own mechanism, it is important some time to associate each one with another.
Carbon and hydrogen are two elements in the periodic table. They exist almost in every part of the human body.
- Mosaic Crystals
- Amino acid
- the revolution
- nucleic acid
- aromatic compounds and its reactions
Which compound might make "kink" rotation within the lipid bilayer
Should we first find the iso-electric point of argnine when conducting an experiment showing the buffer of an amino acid compound?
What about a drug indicated to a patient in order to in inhibit a certain enzyme participating in growing up a highly expected cell is to be deformed by a tumor, what would be the active site of the substrate?
Scurvy symptom: a fragile collagen (is composed of hydroxyl proaline beside the glysine and the other "x", what suggestion you might give to reform the unstable triple helix of collagen?
هذا كان نتفة من كابوس إستمر بضعة أشهر وقد مرت بسلام
مضافاً إليه تشويشات النادي
وتعدد جبهات القتال لدى العزابي :D
وشعور بالغربة والوحدة
وجيران منايك لا يعرفون حرمة للجيرة
والنتيجة قلق وصداع مزمن .. إنتهى منذ لحظات بروشتة عبقرية:
بكيت جلكسي خالصة مع علبة ديو بعد إلتهام شطيرة بتزا الأجبان الأربعة كاملة ( حجم وسط )
متي يأتي عيد اللحمة .. فيتوقف الصداع مرة أخرى؟