عضو غير تشيط
المشاركات: 501
الانضمام: Jan 2005
غشاء البكارة... الى كل من لدية خبرة..
اقتباس: lolita كتب/كتبت فجأتني بسؤالها.. هل يوجد بالطب مايثبت متى تمت عملية فتح غشاء البكارة ؟؟..
للأسف لا يوجد
تاريخ الجرح لا يعلّم عليه
فض البكارة قد يترك ندبة مجهرية لا يمكن بالنظر اليها معرفة عمرها.
أن نظرنا الى جرح ملتأم، أي جرح كان بالجسم...
هل يمكن أن نعرف منذ متى تم التآمه؟؟؟
المشكلة هي مشكلة أجتماعية قبل أن تكون مشكلة طبية.
هل تعرف الزوجة هي أن كان عريسها هو بمرته الأولى أو الالف؟؟؟
10-01-2006, 09:13 PM |
The Godfather
المشاركات: 3,977
الانضمام: Apr 2004
غشاء البكارة... الى كل من لدية خبرة..
اتعاطف معها فعلا
شخصيا لا امانع ان تكون زوجتي قد مارست الجنس من قبل ما دام الامر لن يبقى سرا علي واشعر مثل الغبي حينما اسمع من شخص اخر انها كانت مثلا على علاقة بفلان
10-02-2006, 02:37 PM |
عضو رائد
المشاركات: 1,346
الانضمام: Jan 2005
غشاء البكارة... الى كل من لدية خبرة..
[CENTER]Virginity testing[/CENTER]
Extraordinary as it may seem in the 21st century, examination of young women to ascertain evidence of consenting sexual activity remains a flourishing activity.
Whilst many of us are involved in gynaecological examinations for medico legal purposes, the circumstances of our involvement are that:
There are allegations that penetration has occurred without the woman’s consent, i.e., a sexually assaultive act.
The female child or woman consents to the examination.
How is it that some of our colleagues continue to perform or support what is at best unscientific and worst barbaric practices? Regular publications from a number of regions around the world indicate that the practice occurs with impunity. Hence girls and young woman are subjected to hymenal examinations performed by nurses, general practitioners, gynaecologists and forensic physicians.6
Why are these examinations conducted? Specifically for a range of social reasons including suspicions of pre-marital intercourse, prostitution and until recently, as part of a pre-employment medical check; for teaching, and law enforcement agencies amongst others.7 and 8
Forensic physicians in Turkey were surveyed about their activities in this field. In the year under review, more than 1800 virginity examinations were conducted by forensic physicians for social reasons. More than 90% of the forensic physicians agreed that the examinations were psychologically traumatic for the patient. More than half reported that the majority of their patients had undergone the procedure against their will.9 Loss of virginity and hymen examinations appear to be a factor in a significant number of suicides of young Turkish women.10
Such procedures have been driven by a different purpose in a number of African nations. It is reported that government ministries and a range of other organisations have advocated for, or conduct regular virginity testing on the basis that the HIV/AIDs epidemic is the result of sexually promiscuous women.11, 12 and 13
It is generally accepted that the hymen is a poor marker of penetrative sexual activity in post pubertal girls.14, 15 and 16 With reference to hymenal examinations we have been slow to accept the words –“The doctor cannot always tell”.17
What can we make of this sorry state? It is difficult to conclude anything other that it being driven by males attempting to exert control over women’s sexuality. It has spawned a sorrowful industry in which a number of our professional colleagues are willing participants and proponents; some in perpetuation of this totally unscientific practice and others in the equally repugnant practice of hymenal repairs. These practices are irrational, destructive and clear breach of international human rights.
10-02-2006, 05:22 PM |