01-06-2005, 10:47 AM |
Just for Laugh - 3
عزيزي ايبلا
ممكن تخبرني شو فكرة الصورة؟؟ :what:
على شان نضحك :lol:
01-06-2005, 03:08 PM |
Just for Laugh - 3
عزيزتي منى كريم
اقتباس:معذرة ..
لكنكم تفهمون داروين بشكل قاصر ..
أم أنكم ترغبون بأي شيء يثير الضحك ..
ضعوا لحية صدام حسين و اضحكوا عليها ،
سيكون الأمر أفضل
01-06-2005, 03:38 PM |
عضو رائد
المشاركات: 5,786
الانضمام: Mar 2004
Just for Laugh - 3
اقتباس:و قد تستغرب لو عرفت أن داروين نفسه لم يكن ملحدا بالمرة بل كان theistic أي يقر بوجود الألوهة.
It has been supposed that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed. Shortly after his death, temperance campaigner and evangelist Lady Elizabeth Hope claimed she visited Darwin at his deathbed, and witnessed the renunciation. Her story was printed in a Boston newspaper and subsequently spread. Lady Hope's story was refuted by Darwin's daughter Henrietta who stated, "I was present at his deathbed ... He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier."
The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us, and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.
-- Charles Darwin, Life and Letters,
Charles Darwin came from a Non-conformist background, then studied Anglican theology with the aim of becoming a clergyman, at a time of religious and political turmoil in England. Though he recalled that "Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox" he later struggled with faith and became increasingly agnostic.
قلة الأدب الحقيقية إن الجهلة والمرتزقة يتكلموا فيما لا يعرفونه
01-06-2005, 06:49 PM |
Just for Laugh - 3
الى الجميع
من قال لكم ان الصورة تقول ان داروين كان ملحد؟
شو ماعندكم نظر! :lol2:
داروين كان يهودي ومتعصب لدينو
بس بعض الجهلة اخذ نظرية التطور التي وضعها وجعلها كحجة للالحاد
يا جهلة :lol:
01-06-2005, 07:36 PM |