ربما تريد الدخول في كتاب غينيس للأرقام القياسية ..

.أكيد لن تدخل به فهناك ممن هن أكثر منها شبقا وخبرة ...عاهرة مثلا ووسطيا 4 رجال فسيكون رقمها مضاعفا ....ما هو عمل الفتاة وهل قبلت هدايا ...يعني ربما عندها 5000 هدية ...
بسوريا يطلبن موبايل حديث بقيمة 30,000 ليرة


A 25-YEAR-OLD blonde has boasted that she has slept with 5,000 men since losing her virginity at 16.
Nikki Lee, 25, has had casual sex in nightclubs, alleyways, parks, cinemas and teen discos.
She also boasts that she has gone on regular sex holidays, where she does it in clubs, on beaches and on balconies.
And Nikki has kept details of EVERY ONE of her sex sessions in her own little red notebook - and scored each man out of ten.
The beauty therapist from Essex says : "I put a star beside the lads who were best in bed. By the time I was 18, I had moved out of home and in with friends and there were nearly 800 in my book."
Love it! ... out now
Love it! ... out now
Love it!
By the time she was 21, she had notes on 2,289 men.
"Plenty of men have notches on bedposts, so why couldn't I have my own packed little red book?" she said.
"If men wanted to date her, she would give a fake phone number rarely sleeping with the same man twice.
On one holiday to Ibiza, she claims she had sex with four men in one night.
Nikki told Love It! magazine: "I just have two rules: no men who belong to someone else and only safe sex. Apart from that, pretty much anything else goes.
"I have now slept with more than 5,000 blokes. Some of my mates think I need to get help for sex addiction.
"But if I am a sex addict, I am enjoying it and don't want to be cured."
Sex and behaviour expert Dr Pam Spurr said she was shocked Nikki had slept with so many men.
She said: "It is technically possible, but emotionally very dangerous.
"Detaching all your feelings and sleeping with strangers could leave you psychologically damaged. I can't see where the fun ends or begins."
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