العزيز Enki،
أعتقد أن تقلص الكون صار مرفوضاً منذ فترة بعد أن ثبت أن كثافته أقل مما هو لازم لعودة تقلصه من جديد. وقد بقيت فقط نظرية تمدد الكون اللامحدود...
أي أن الكون كان مرة بحجم معدوم (أو بالأحرى بأبعاد أقل من ثابت بلانك)، وانفجر ولن يعود إلى هذه الحالة أبداً.
شاهدت هذا منذ أسبوع على قناة History التي أثق بها وبمن تستضيف من علماء، وللأسف لم أجد مصدراً على الإنترنت.
عزيزي ابو ابراهيم
ما هو مرفوض هو نموذج الكون الدوري القديم او الكلاسيكي الذي كان سائداً في السبعينات، ما اتحدث عنه هو نموذج مختلف اسمه الوثوب العظيم Big Bounce وهو نموذج حديث جداً نشر في 2007 في مجلة Nature Physics
وهذا هو رابط الخبر لمزيد من المعلومات:
واريد ان اقتبس منه هذه الفقرة:
The idea that the universe erupted with a Big Bang explosion has been a big barrier in scientific attempts to understand the origin of our expanding universe, although the Big Bang long has been considered by physicists to be the best model. As described by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, the origin of the Big Bang is a mathematically nonsensical state -- a "singularity" of zero volume that nevertheless contained infinite density and infinitely large energy. Now, however, Bojowald and other physicists at Penn State are exploring territory unknown even to Einstein -- the time before the Big Bang -- using a mathematical time machine called Loop Quantum Gravity. This theory, which combines Einstein's Theory of General Relativity with equations of quantum physics that did not exist in Einstein's day, is the first mathematical description to systematically establish the existence of the Big Bounce and to deduce properties of the earlier universe from which our own may have sprung. For scientists, the Big Bounce opens a crack in the barrier that was the Big Bang.
"Einstein's Theory of General Relativity does not include the quantum physics that you must have in order to describe the extremely high energies that dominated our universe during its very early evolution," Bojowald explained, "but we now have Loop Quantum Gravity, a theory that does include the necessary quantum physics." Loop Quantum Gravity was pioneered and is being developed in the Penn State Institute for Gravitational Physics and Geometry, and is now a leading approach to the goal of unifying general relativity with quantum physics. Scientists using this theory to trace our universe backward in time have found that its beginning point had a minimum volume that is not zero and a maximum energy that is not infinite. As a result of these limits, the theory's equations continue to produce valid mathematical results past the point of the classical Big Bang, giving scientists a window into the time before the Big Bounce.