نسمه عطرة
عضو رائد
المشاركات: 11,293
الانضمام: Jan 2005
الموقف الرسمي الاردني
والله احترت يا كنعاني لدينا أصدقاء بجنيف دائما يتباهون بها ويقولون هذه ابنتنا من عنبته ..:what:
على العموم هذه رسالة من صبية أردنية " قح " الى أوباما ....
رسالة إلى باراك أوباما من حنين صلاح المومني
كتبت ابنتي "حنين" الطالبة في الثانوية رسالة تعلن رفضها لسياسة الصمت التي انتهجها باراك اوباما رئيس الولايات المتحدة حيال ما يجري لأطفال غزة وحيال ما يراد بفلسطين بشكل عام كما تنتقد سياسة بلادها العامة. الرسالة أرسلتها "حنين" إلى العديد من المحطات الإخبارية وإلى مكتب أوباما عن طريق الإيميل ، ولعل أهم ما في الأمر أن من نشأوا في هذه البلاد لا يعيشون تحت رهبة قوانين إطالة اللسان المعمول بها في الوطن العربي ، لذا تخرج تعبيراتهم حرة غير مزخرفة بألفاظ وكنايات وألقاب لتنافق ولي الأمر كما يحلو لكثير من جرائد ومواقع تعتبر أنها تقدم كلمات حرة وغير مقيدة للقارئ.ولعل من المناسب دائماً أن نذكر المعترضين على الرأي الآخر ، بسببكم وبسبب الكلام المعسول وصلنا إلى ما نحن فيه من ذل ، ولو وجد حكامنا من يحاورهم دون نفاق لحسبوا لنا ألف حساب .
إليكم الرسالة.
A Letter to President Barack Obama
Dear Mr. President,
Here in the United States, America is referred to as the “land of the free and home of the brave.” If only those were the words used to describe America from an international point of view. The truth is the American freedom is not what it used to be. Since the Revolutionary War, Americans have been struggling to have an equal, democratic nation where people can speak and live without repercussions. Well I am speaking now.
What happened in Gaza was beyond disturbing. What is even more disturbing is the United States of America helped support, and supply an army that massacred over five hundred people and injured over four thousand innocent people. This is not what the American people stand for and it is not okay for us to let this keep happening. The Israelis are armed with everything from tanks to machine guns and grenades. The Palestinian people are armed with nothing but the rocks broken off their destroyed homes. Yet Arabs are the ones labeled as terrorists. You tell me; who is the terrorist, the little boy throwing rocks to protest the occupation of his country or the soldier holding down the trigger of a machine gun.
During the Holocaust, Americans fought against the Nazis to end the genocide. Why is America supporting the slaughter of innocent people when it stood against the massacres during “World War II (WWII)?” When the World Trade Center was attacked America was horrified. What happened on September 11th was terrifying but at least we can move on. Palestine lives through that every day. It is not that easy to move on when tragedy hits every day. The America I know should not support hypocrisy, and there is nothing more hypocritical than disapproving when our country was attacked and then supporting the massacre of innocent people who are attacked on a regular basis. We fight back when tragedy strikes us but turn our backs when tragedy strikes others. There is nothing brave about that.
During the past few years the American government had been looking for weapons of mass destruction. It does not take a nuclear bomb to create mass destruction. Mass destruction is created wherever people are forced to suffer. Mass destruction comes when people are murdered without reason. Mass destruction happens when criminals are allowed to walk the streets unpunished and unscathed. These things happen all the time all over the world but the only reason they are allowed to happen is they are done so well authorities fail to find them or they find them too late. The worst part about America supporting the Israelis is we watch these things happen and we read and hear about them from the media yet we still let it continue and even help it continue. What good does anyone, other than the army, gain from all this? What part of this is helping us spread democracy and justice? No one gains anything and Palestine is far from forming a democracy or granting its people the justice they should have gotten years ago.
The American people should be free to pay taxes that help rebuild war stricken areas. Instead we pay taxes that help a cruel, ruthless army destroy years of hard work and murder hundreds. We are billions of dollars in debt yet we throw our money away and fund huge attacks on people with no way to defend their selves.
The Palestinians should not see buildings fall down on their families and friends. They should not have to look over their shoulders when they leave their homes. They should not have to dig bodies out from under rubble. They should not go months without power, water, and food. They should not have to watch their children be forced out of their front doors at gunpoint. They should not be forced into morbid prisons just so they could be beaten to death. America should not be supporting the destruction of these people. America should not be sending F16s and other weapons to the Israeli troops.
The land of the free and home of the brave…
I would like to hear that again and believe it. But unless America starts helping the Palestinian people win their freedom instead of helping the Israelis oppress and attack them, I cannot say it and mean it without feeling guilt. Bravery means to do the right thing no matter what the cost is and it is not right to support an army that has no conscience and no mercy.
The land of the free and home of the brave is what America could and should become. When people start throwing shoes at our president we should know something is going wrong. Although those shoes were from an oppressed Iraqi and not a Palestinian it still sends a strong message. Former President Bush and his administration unfortunately destroyed the American image and shamed the nation. When those shoes went flying at his head they were aimed at all of us living in these states. When you, Mr. Obama, go to visit the Middle East, I hope the people of those nations do not see any need to throw size tens at you.
Thank you.
From: Haneen Momani, an American- Jordanian high school sophomore.
01-06-2009, 09:32 PM |